How to Naturally Improve Your Brain Health

How to Naturally Improve Your Brain Health

When you think of natural health, what comes to mind? 

  • Taking herbs, supplements and a healthy diet? 
  • Or maybe physical exercise, body work and acupuncture.

The truth is, we rarely think of our brains– our mindset is usually focused on other parts of our bodies. And while there’s nothing wrong with approaching health that way– we don’t want to forget that all health stems from the brain!

Remember, you are not JUST a body. You’re a body which is under the complete control of the biological computer city in your skull.

You can improve your brain health! When we live a lifestyle that’s friendly to brain health, we naturally improve the health of all parts of our body. By focusing on good brain health we can possibly prevent…

  • Dementia.
  • Memory loss.
  • Strokes.
  • Migraines.
  • Vision loss.
  • Hearing loss.
  • Chronic pain.

Focus on Your Future Self!

Longevity isn’t always the first thing that comes to mind when we’re working on our health. We tend to focus on the here and now; as opposed to the future when we’re older and slower. Imagine living to be old– won’t you wish that your younger self made more of an effort to make your life easier and better?

There are a variety of good brain health habits that you can start now and reap the benefit of in the years to come. The reality is, you can’t undo decades of neglecting your health, but you can invest your time now!

  • Getting consistent, high-quality sleep.
  • Having strong, safe and secure relationships.
  • Quitting smoking.
  • Drastically reducing alcohol consumption.
  • Staying consistently hydrated.
  • Working on cardiovascular fitness.
  • Challenging yourself to learn new languages.
  • Putting yourself in new environments to explore.
  • Reading books for fun and learning.
  • Investing in fun hobbies and a strong work life balance.
  • Taking care of your emotional health.
  • Setting volume limits on your phone to prevent ear damage.
  • Routine annuals and blood work.
  • Routine dermatological skin checks.
  • Routine dental care.
  • Routine eye checks.

Eat Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Foods!

Food is truly the best and most important natural medicine. Eating a diet that is based in anti-inflammatory foods is the best way to address brain health. By keeping your body healthy and avoiding inflammation, which is the root of disease and illness, you position yourself for strong neurological benefit. 

Have you ever felt anxious after eating a junky meal? Or depressed in your mood after a night out drinking? This is your nervous system, the messaging system of your brain, communicating to you that it’s stressed and inflamed. Keep this up for decades and the impact can be quite devastating. 

Incorporate more brain friendly foods into your diet!

  • Fatty omega-3 fish.
  • Blueberries.
  • Turmeric.
  • Broccoli.
  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • Dark chocolate.
  • Eggs.
  • Green Tea.
  • Coffee.

Explore TCM and Functional Medicine!

Traditional Chinese Medicine is known for its many health benefits and is a commonly referred to practice by physicians, especially neurologists! Migraine sufferers, people with chronic pain and a variety of neurological conditions find immense benefits from acupuncture. The same can be said for maintaining brain health– there are hundreds of points on the body that when needles are placed and activated, help promote blood flow, circulation and proper movement in channels that benefit the brain and its related functions. This can benefit you profoundly and be part of a strong preventative regiment designed to safeguard your future self’s wellness.

There’s also a world of nutraceuticals that help supplement what you’re not getting in food! Our clinic specializes in finding the best quality supplements that are custom formulated for our patients needs.

Functional medicine for brain health is a popular, emerging subspecialty. By testing your hormones and blood, we take a comprehensive look at your overall health– going much further than the labs you might see after a routine physical. By looking at your labs, we can understand on a deeper level how your brain is functioning and your body’s levels of inflammation. From there, we can create customized treatment plans designed to transform your health and safeguard your most precious asset– your brain.

At Deep Roots Natural Medicine, we’re here to support you with your natural brain and neurological health needs. Don’t hesitate, reach out to us today and see how we can help you. Visit our website and schedule a In-Office or Virtual Consultation today!

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