What is Microneedling and How Can it Help You

What is Microneedling and How Can it Help You

We’ve seen an increase in the number of patients coming in for Microneedling treatments here in our Charlotte, NC office. It has gained popularity due to its little down time, long lasting results and it’s free of toxins.

Microneedling may seem like a new concept but it’s been around thousands of years. Emperors used it in ancient China to stay youthful and radiant. It was believed that by treating areas on the face with needles ultimately healed the body. This beauty ritual has withstood time for very valid reasons as it has been shown in modern research to prevent the signs of aging by reducing wrinkles, improving texture, reduces scarring and helps correct hyperpigmentation.

 Microneedling may seem like a new concept but it’s been around thousands of years. Emperors used it in ancient China to stay youthful and radiant. It was believed that by treating areas on the face with needles ultimately healed the body. This beauty ritual has withstood time for very valid reasons as it has been shown in modern research to prevent the signs of aging by reducing wrinkles, improving texture, reduces scarring and helps correct hyperpigmentation.

Shows the answer to "What is Microneedling" and what it looks like

Microneedling works by activating collagen and improving elastin for a firmer skin, less wrinkled appearance. It also reduces scarring by improving skin texture and tone to give you better long-term results. It allows for deeper penetration of your favorite facial serums. Inflammation and hyperpigmentation are decreased therefore reducing the amount of acne pimple, blackheads and whiteheads. 4-6 treatments are recommended for the best results.

What are your skin concerns?

Sagging Skin?
Dull Skin?
Age Spots?
Hair Loss?

Microneedling can help with all of these!

Just let us know your top concerns and we will customize a session for you. During our Microneedling experience we want to see you get the best results!  We’ve developed a unique experience to create your healthy and beautiful skin. All our serums are made here in our clinic to give you the most effective, pure, clean and natural solutions for skin care.  Our serums contain a blend of apple stem cells from Switzerland, herbs to reduce wrinkles, age spots, increase collagen, elastin, repair and rejuvenate the skin. After your microneedling, a soothing mask infused with skin soothing herbs, cool refreshing aloe and apple stem cells.

Our professional grade microneedling pen delivers 18,000 rpm per roll, making it less painful and less traumatic on the skin and it delivers the most effective treatment. When we are microneedling your skin, our micropen can also easily treat the area around the eyes, lips and nose – which allows your treatment to be more customizable. Microneedling is sanitary procedure, we dispose of the needling head for each and every client and our pen has anti-bacteria backflow technology.

Interested? Call or email us with your questions or to schedule your microneedling experience at Deep Roots Natural Medicine in Charlotte, NC.