3 Ways to Get Back on Track After the Holidays

Photo of Healthy Food

Like clockwork, every January we meet with clients, new and old, who tell us about how they got off track during the holidays and want a fresh start. Whether it was overeating, too much sugar and alcohol or not sticking with workouts— a lot of people get stressed and off-track from their health goals over the holidays.

Going through cycles of feast and famine is built into our DNA. It makes sense that after months of diligence following healthy eating plans, coming in for treatments, taking supplements and working out— that during the holidays we want to unwind and just enjoy. There’s no problem with enjoying the holidays! But when you start to notice old symptoms return, sudden weight gain and feelings of sluggishness or depression— that’s when it’s time to get back on track.

Easier said than done though! After a week of treats, drinks and socializing, it’s hard to slow down. Very few people have the willpower to stop a freight train running 50 mph and turn it around with little effort. For us mere mortals, it’s more of a gradual process. This January, the team at Deep Roots Natural Medicine put three of our most effective tips together to help you get back on track!

Gradually add back healthy foods. After feasting on heavy meals, sugar or dairy it doesn’t take long before you only crave those foods. To win over this craving, start gradually adding your healthy staple foods back in. For example, if you start craving sugar late at night, combat this by eating high fat, high protein breakfasts. Studies show that people who start their days off like this, are less susceptible to blood sugar crashes and inevitable sugar cravings at night!

Drink water and incorporate light exercise. Haven’t been to the gym in three weeks? We get it— it can be daunting to start again. Give yourself some runway. Start by drinking more water— the more hydrated you feel, the more energy you’ll have. Too sluggish to go the gym? Next time you have a phone call, bundle up and take it outside on a walk. Or, if it’s too cold, find a light calisthenics workout class on YouTube and do a workout in your living room in pajamas! Working up a sweat or at least a fast heartbeat for just 20 minutes has incredible health and mental health benefits. 

Schedule an acupuncture treatment. One of the ways acupuncture works is by activating ancient energy meridians across the body, boosting energy, mood and immunity. This is a great way to hack your post-holidays blues. Many patients report that even after just one treatment, they feel energized, encouraged to get back on track and prioritize their health.

To schedule an appointment for acupuncture or personalized wellness coaching, call us at 704-765-6813 or info@deeprootsnm.com. At Deep Roots Natural Medicine we’re dedicated to meeting your natural health goals! Have a very happy and healthy new year!