Our Team

Meet Dr. Tracie

Dr. Tracie is a distinguished Integrated Medicine Practitioner and Acupuncture Physician with an extensive background spanning over 16 years in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Armed with a Doctorate of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, coupled with a Master of Science degree in Oriental Medicine, she has further enriched her holistic approach by serving as a Licensed Practical Nurse for a decade. Dr. Tracie’s expertise extends to Certified Massage Therapy and a degree in Eastern and Western Herbology, showcasing her comprehensive knowledge in herbal practices and a distinctive fusion of Eastern and Western medical methodologies.

Specializing in addressing complex health issues, including autoimmune disorders, hormonal complications, and digestive challenges, Dr. Tracie adopts a meticulous approach. She employs thorough testing to pinpoint the underlying causes of her patients’ health concerns, allowing her to craft personalized plans aimed at enhancing their quality of life. Beyond her professional dedication, Dr. Tracie is committed to a holistic lifestyle, emphasizing the significance of physical activity, wholesome nutrition, and the joys of family, literature, and continuous learning, as she believes that finding happiness in life’s smaller moments leads to bigger smiles.

Dr. Tracie Hinton-Chavez


Integrated Functional Medicine Practitioner

Licensed Acupuncturist

Owner at Deep Roots Natural Medicine

Meet Peter

Peter, the clinic director and health advisor at Deep Roots, embodies the roles of coach, confidant, and cheerleader. Despite leading a highly active life today as an avid health enthusiast, his journey to optimal wellness began with overcoming a past disconnect from the benefits of diet and nutrition. Confronting issues like weight struggles, stress, and a dietary issues, Peter took determined action. He embraced clean eating, incrementally increased physical activity with weight lifting and daily walks, and incorporated flexibility through yoga and stretching for improved overall well-being.

Recognizing Peter’s commitment, friends and family sought his advice, revealing his newfound passion for motivating and supporting others in achieving their health goals. Now, as the clinic director/owner of Deep Roots, Peter eagerly shares the Deep Roots philosophy, offering education on their comprehensive services. With a successful 20+ year career in marketing and consulting, he brings a unique blend of creativity and strategic problem-solving to the deep roots family.

Peter Chavez

Clinic Director

Health Enthusiast

I have a personal goal to live to 100 years of age and compete in the 100meter dash for centurions. Yes it is a thing!


Meet Aurora

Aurora is our Care Coordinator, who ensures that patients get the best care possible. She listens to make sure your needs are being addressed, answers your questions and is here to get you scheduled for your new patient consultation. She keeps patient records up to date, and acts as a liaison between the patients and Dr. Tracie by keeping the lines of communication flowing.
Aurora graduated from Southeastern Institute here in Charlotte, NC and received her diploma as a medical billing and coding specialist. She has an interest in learning about natural health and how we address the underlying root cause of illness. She is a team player and helps with coordinating the day to day in the clinic. She looks forward to learning more about Eastern and Functional Medicine. When she’s not working she enjoys playing with her nephews and making origami. 

Aurora Kay

Care Coordinator

Experience our committment to improving your health.

Take the first step to start feeling better today.