
How to Eat Mindfully Over the Holidays

The holiday season is all about joy, spending time with loved ones, and, of course, indulgence! From festive feasts to decadent desserts, even the most disciplined, health conscious person can get overwhelmed. Amidst the novelty of fun foods, it’s easy to lose sight of mindful eating practices that are at the foundation of every healthy lifestyle.
At Deep Roots Natural Medicine, we don’t believe in overly-restrictive diets. Studies show that when we deprive ourselves in the short term, we’re more likely to develop an unbalanced relationship with foods in the long term. Holiday foods are nothing to stress about, you can enjoy your favorite fun foods and stay right on track with your natural health goals.

Mindful eating is all about being present in the moment, paying attention to flavors, textures, and sensations of every bite you take. During the holidays, adopting mindful eating habits can not only help us savor our favorite nostalgic flavors, but also foster a healthier relationship with food.

Start by tuning into your body’s signals. Before diving into a holiday meal, take a moment to assess your hunger. Are you truly hungry, or are you eating out of emotion? Is everything else around you eating and that makes you feel like you should too? Mindful eating encourages us to eat when our bodies signal hunger, promoting a more balanced and intuitive approach to nourishment.

Feeling peckish? Savor each bite slowly. Engage all your senses—appreciate the aroma, texture, and flavor of the food. By eating slowly and deliberately, you allow your body to register feelings of fullness more accurately, helping prevent overindulgence.

Portion control is another key aspect of mindful eating. Instead of piling your plate high with every dish, take modest servings of your favorites. This not only allows you to enjoy a variety of foods but also helps prevent that post-feast discomfort. You can always get more! Having an abundance mindset with food is super helpful in keeping feelings regulated so we’re not slipping into scarcity mindsets!

Remember – incorporating mindfulness into your holiday meals doesn’t mean depriving yourself of treats. It’s about making conscious choices and savoring each indulgence. If you’re craving dessert, for example, choose one of your favorites and relish every bite, rather than mindlessly consuming large quantities. Enjoy it with a cup of tea or coffee and give yourself several minutes to enjoy!

The holiday season is a time to cherish moments with loved ones and create lasting memories. By embracing mindful eating practices, you can savor the flavors of the season while nurturing a healthier relationship with food. At Deep Roots Natural Medicine, we’re all about getting to the root cause of our patient’s natural healthcare concerns. Don’t let the holidays knock you off track, enjoy your loved ones, enjoy your food, and get right back on track!