
What to Know About Hormone Health

At Deep Roots Natural Medicine we are committed to getting to the ROOT of your medical condition and helping you heal. Based on our years of experience, we’ve found that healing can be achieved at an accelerated rate via a holistic modality known as functional medicine.

Hormone health and testing is a common reason patients come to our Charlotte, North Carolina Acupuncture and Functional Medicine clinic. We hear about thyroid issues, general sex hormones, concerns about levels of testosterone or estrogen, women’s menstrual cycle and fertility issues. But the common thread is no one else can figure out what’s going on because their primary care blood tests look fine.

We need to look at hormones from a completely different perspective– from the root. We need to look at how hormones are being produced from the liver and gut and how hormonal issues can track back to problems there. For example, with weight gain– sometimes we find too high of levels of estrogen in fat and that becomes toxic. So we ask, what’s causing the imbalance?

We can utilize a variety of Functional Medicine diagnostic testing to get a clear look under the proverbial hood. This often includes comprehensive blood work and stool and saliva tests to assess how well your organs and bodily systems are functioning. 

Our tests are unique in both testing depth and results analysis. As an example, a full thyroid panel cany show potential antibody involvement, and the lab values will also indicate if the thyroid pathway is operating properly. If the thyroid is not functioning well, it can point us to where the breakdown in the operation is occurring.

In addition, our tests can also help detect:

  • Food Intolerances
  • Heavy Metals
  • Nutritional Deficiencies
  • Parasites
  • Gut Health Imbalances
  • Improper Hormone Levels
  • Unbalanced Cortisol Levels
  • Sub-optimal DHEA Levels

When we work with patients in their late 30s and older, then testing becomes more important because there’s often more than one thing out of balance and happening in the body. While acupuncture, herbs and supplements are excellent treatment options, with complex issues that have built up over five years or later, testing helps remove the guess work.

Once we test and understand your full hormone big-picture, we can begin to apply treatments to help bring hormones back into functional ranges. Our patients get to see what’s helping them improve or not– through acupuncture, herbs, supplements, dietary changes and lifestyle adjustments. We often work in phases, starting with the gut to reduce inflammation, adding in stool tests every few months to ensure we’re on the right track. The most important part is to remember that if you’re working with us on your hormone health– it’s a collaboration! Our most successful patients are just as invested as we are in making the changes required to make the biggest impact.

Please reach out to us to schedule a consultation or get more information. Deep Roots Natural Medicine 704-765-6813 or email us at info@deeprootsnm.com. Our clinic is located in Charlotte, NC and we work with many patients around the US virtually.

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