Can you Slow Down the Aging Process?

We offer Functional and Eastern Medicine services at our Clinic located in Charlotte, NC. A growing number of patients tell us they’re interested in learning ways to slow down the aging process, increasing energy and keeping your brain focused. Yes, it can be achieved!  We are seeing more people than ever live past one hundred years old. They’re active, moving, mentally sharp and happy!

Your brain requires a tremendous amount of energy. That’s why you feel it when your power supply is low, memory problems, brain fog, and fatigue settle in and remind us our brain needs more fuel. 

The brain does a lot, it helps keep your body and other systems running efficiently. It’s up to you to give it the energy and protection it needs to stay young, vibrant and efficient. I’ll give you recommendations on ways you can improve and maintain your brain’s energy production while minimizing damage to your brain cells.

Antioxidants help Slow Down the Aging Process

Every breath you take floods your system with oxygen, which mitochondria (the power plants of your cells) use to make energy. This process leaves behind free radicals, the part of oxygen they can’t use. Too many cause inflammation and damage to healthy cells. So, don’t hold your breath! Take 5 minutes per day to focus on the breathing and recenter yourself. Brain cells are especially vulnerable to free radicals just because of the sheer volume of energy the brain goes through — 20% of your body’s total energy haul.

How to get more antioxidants

The solution is on your plate. All vegetables contain polyphenols that neutralize free radicals and prevent them from wreaking havoc. The brighter the color, the better. Polyphenols also help you make more BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor), a protein that builds new brain cells.

Heathy Fats help Slow Down the Aging Process

Your brain is about 60% fat, 25% of which is cholesterol. Some research has linked low-cholesterol diets to cognitive decline. It’s important to seek out healthy fat sources for their long- term benefits. Brain cells send signals to each other along long branches that are covered in a fatty coating called myelin. This keeps the electrical signal going where it’s supposed to go. Myelin break-down slows electrical communication in your brain.

Get in more Nutrient Dense Healthy Fats

The best sources come from fatty fish like salmon and sardines, sustainably sourced grass-fed meats, pastured eggs, nuts and seeds, olives, avocados, and using clean oils like olive, avocado, walnut and coconut. If you’re eating this kind of fat you will keep your brain functioning in order and stay full longer, helpful if you’re trying to lose weight.

Environmental toxins and stressors

We find these everywhere, such as in our home, office, food, air and toxic relationships. We can get ahead of this. It’s best to keep up our defenses and remain at our most optimal levels. There are resources and experts that can help lead us down the right path. Staying active, both physically and mentally, eating a clean diet and making time to destress will help you stay on track. Some of the top priorities are keeping inflammation low, address any low-lying infections that over time wreak havoc on our immune system, blood sugar dysregulation and microbiome imbalances.

The path to better health is different for each of us, as our lifestyle, habits and past medical conditions or experiences have lead us to the person we are today. I encourage you to take the next steps, you have everything to gain!